Sunday, December 27, 2015 a.m. Service

Luke 2:23-35
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The Song of Simeon is the Fifth Christmas Carol!

Who is Simeon?

I.   Characteristics of the Christ-Centered Singer
          A.  Sought the Son of God (25)
          B.  Brought by the Spirit of God (26-27)
          C.  Wrought by the Word of God (28-32)
          D.  Taught the Will of God (33-35)
II.  Characteristics of the Christ-Centered Song - Why did Simeon burst into song?
          A.  Praise Him for His Promise
          B.  Praise Him for His Position
          C.  Praise Him for His Peace
          D.  Praise Him for His Preparation
          E.  Praise Him for His Purpose

Today's Challenge:
It's all about the condition of the heart!

Sunday, December 20, 2015 a.m. Service

Luke 2:8-20
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The Angel's Song is the 4th Christmas Carol!

Why does the angel go to the shepherds?
Why do we sing songs?
What is the angel's message?

I.    The Angel's Consolation (2:10-11)
II.   The Angel's Confirmation (2:12, 15-18)
III.  The Angel's Consummation (2:13-14)
          A.  Message of Praise to God!
          B.  Message of Peace to Good-Willed Men!

There is no peace until you know peace!
Until you now the Prince of Peace, there will be no peace!
Luke 3:22

Today's Challenge:
Cradle the Christ-Child in your heart this Christmas!
My prayer is that God has put a song in your heart this Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2015 a.m. Service

Luke 1:57-59
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The Song of Zacharias is the Third Christmas Carol

Why do we celebrate with singing? - God's gracious gift of salvation!

I.    Celebrate God's Activity in the Past (68-75)
II.   Celebrate God's Activity in the Present (76-77)
III.  Celebrate God's Activity in the Future (78-79)

Closing Application:
Do you know the Prince of Peace?  Do you have peace today?
Has God put a song in your heart this Christmas?

Sunday, December 6, 2015 a.m. Service

Luke 1:46-56
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The Song of Mary is the Second Christmas Carol

Why magnify the Lord?

I.   The Blessing Upon His Servant (46-49a)
II.  The Birth of His Son (49b-55)
          A.  The Holy One (35, 49)
          B.  The Merciful One (50, 54)
          C.  The Mighty One (49, 51-53)
          D.  The Faithful One (54-55)

Today's Application:
Are you magnifying the Lord this Christmas?

Sunday, November 29, 2015 a.m. Service

Luke 1:39-45
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The First 5 Christmas Carols
Let's examine how different people respond to the Lord's birth...
Song of Elizabeth:  Luke 1:39-45

Zacharias responds in unbelief!
Mary responds in belief!

I.    How does Elizabeth respond to the news?
            Elizabeth responds by Faith with Great Joy!
II.   Why does Elizabeth respond to the news?
          A.  Filled with God's Presence
          B.  Recognized God's Purpose
III.  In what ways does Elizabeth respond to the news?
            What does Elizabeth sing?  Elizabeth sings a Song of Blessing!
          A.  Blessed by the Faithfulness of God
          B.  Blessed by the Faith of Mary

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas...
We must sing of His blessings!  We must share in His blessings!
Has He put a song in your heart this Christmas?

Sunday, November 22, 2015 a.m. Service

"Peter encourages the early Church to stand firm in the true grace of God"
I Peter 1:22-2:3
Rev. Joseph Marshall

How do we live in harmony with one another?

I.    By Sharing the Same Experience (1:23-25)
          A.  A Physical Life
          B.  A Spiritual Life
II.   By Sharing the Same Expression (1:22)
          A.  A Spiritual Love
          B.  A Sincere Love
          C.  A Striving Love
III.  By Sharing the Same Enjoyment (2:1-3)

Today's Challenge:
Are We Living in Harmony with One Another?

Sunday, November 15, 2015 a.m. Service

"Peter encourages the early Church to stand firm in the true grace of God"
I Peter 1:10-21
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Claims of the Saved:
How do we stay clean in a polluted world?

I.   Live in Hope (13)
II.  Live in Holiness (14-21)
        A.  Called to Holiness (15-16)
        B.  Concern for Holiness (17)
              1.  Future Reward
              2.  Present Reproof
        C.  Cost of Holiness (18-21)

Why did He redeem?

Today's Challenge:
Are you living in Hope?
Are you living in Holiness?

Sunday, November 8, 2015 a.m. Service

"Peter encourages the early Church to stand firm in the true grace of God"
I Peter 1:3-9
Rev. Joey Marshall

Why must I experience fiery trials?
"Consider it all joy...when you encounter various trials (James 1:2)"
Claim of the Saved..."A Living Hope!"

I.   Trials Prepare Us for Glory (6-7)
          A.  Trials are Distressing
          B.  Trials are Diverse
          C.  Trials are Designated
          D.  Trials are Detained
II.  Trials Publish God's Glory
          A.  Trials Publish a Proven Faith
          B.  Trials Publish a Personal Fellowship
          C.  Trials Publish a Present Freedom

Application Questions
Have I experienced God's Great Salvation?
Am I experiencing "great joy" in the midst of my fiery trials?

Sunday, November 1, 2015 a.m. Service

Peter encourages the early Church to stand firm in the true grace of God
I Peter 1:1-5
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Background of I Peter

How are followers of Jesus to respond to these living conditions?
Suffering Christians should remember God's Great Salvation!

I.   Remember Who He Is...the God of Mercy
II.  Remember Who We Christ
          A.  We are Selected out of the World
          B.  We are Scattered throughout the World
          C.  We are Strangers in the World
          D.  We are Secure while in the World

Today's Application
We may be suffering, but we are safe and secure!
Are you resting in the arms of the Savior?

Sunday, October 25, 2015 a.m. Service

The Life of Peter in the Early Church
Acts 12:1-24
Rev. Joseph Marshall

God Miraculously Delivers Peter from Prison
What are the most effective means of assistance in hard times?

I.   Cling to the Christ (12:6-11)
          Be reminded of the providence of God!
               Providence is...
                    1.  Peace (6) (Philippians 4:6-7)
                    2.  Presence (7-10) (Hebrews 13:5-6)
                    3.  Power (7-10) (Ephesians 4:20-21)
II.  Cling to the Church (12:5, 12-17, 24)
          Be reminded of the people of God! (I Corinthians 12:26)
               Church is...
                    1.  Pray Fervently (5)
                    2.  Pray Expectantly (12-17)
                    3.  Pray Gloriously (17, 24)

Closing Application:
Peter was miraculously rescued from the hand of Herod!
Do you need to be rescued today?

Sunday, October 18, 2015 a.m. Service

The Life of Peter in the Early Church
Acts 11:1-18
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Friends of Jesus, Follow Jesus

Outline of Acts 11:1-18
I.    The Rebuke (1-3)
II.   The Report (4-17)
          A.  Divine Vision (5-6)
          B.  Divine Voice (7-10)
          C.  Divine Verification (11-14)
          D.  Divine Validation (15-17)
III.  The Rejoice (18)

Characteristics of Followers of Jesus
I.    Led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:1-14)
II.   Filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:15)
III.  Aware of the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:15-18)

Today's Challenge:
Are you a friend of Jesus?  Are you following Jesus?

Sunday, October 11, 2015 a.m. Service

The Life of Peter in the Early Church
Acts 4:13-35
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Peter follows Jesus!  As a follower of Jesus...

I.    We must have Confidence in Christ
          Where does this confidence come from?
II.   We must have Communion with Christ
III.  We must have Companionship with Other Christ-Followers

Today's Challenge Questions:
Are you a friend of Jesus?
Friends of Jesus follow Jesus!  Are you following Jesus?

Sunday, October 4, 2015 a.m. Service

The Life of Peter in the Gospels
John 15:12-17

Are You a Friend of Jesus?
Definition of a friend

The Building Blocks of Friendship
I.    Friendship is Built on Love
          How does Jesus love?
          Whom does Jesus love?
II.   Friendship is Built on Trust
III.  Friendship is Built on Responsibility
          Why did Jesus choose His disciples?

Today's Application Questions:
Are you a friend of Jesus?
Do you need to be restored?
Do you need to be saved?

Sunday, September 27, 2015 a.m. Service

Matthew 28:16-20
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The Great Commission is a "Lordship Issue!"

The Characteristics of the On-Mission Christian:  GO!

I.    Go in Love
II.   Go to Liberate
III.  Go to Lead
          A.  Lead in Baptism
          B.  Lead in Teaching
IV.  Go Launch

Today's Challenge: Love, to Liberate, Lead and Launch

Sunday, September 20, 2015 a.m. Service

I Corinthians 11:23-24
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Remain Faithful to Our Baptist Distinctives...
Timeless Truths from God's Word!

I.    The Nature (Authority) of Scripture
II.   The Nature of Salvation
III.  The Nature of The Church
IV.  The Nature (Priesthood) of the Believer
V.   The Nature of the Ordinances - Baptism and the Lord's Supper

The Nature of the Lord's Supper

A.  The Purpose of the Lord's Supper
        1.  Proclaim His Cross
        2.  Proclaim Our Communion
             a.  With Christ
             b.  With His Church
        3.  Proclaim His Coming
B.  The Preparation of the Lord's Supper

Today's Challenge:
Am I prepared to participate in the Lord's Supper?

Sunday, September 13, 2015 a.m. Service

John 9-10
Rev. Joseph Marshall

One Factor that Confirms a Believer's Eternal Security...

"Bob the Blind Man from Birth"

I.  The Faith Factor
     A.  A Faith that Saves is a Faith that Follows
           1.  The Good Shepherd is the Gate
           2.  The Good Shepherd is the Governor
           3.  The Good Shepherd is the Guardian
     B.  A Faith that Saves is a Faith that FROGS!
               "Fully Relies On God's Sovereignty!"

Who is able?

Today's Challenge:
Who are you relying on to get you to Heaven?

Sunday, September 6, 2015 a.m. Service

I John 1:5-2:2, 2:12-17
Rev. Joseph Marshall

If we want assurance that...
Victory is on the Way - Everyday!
We must have a...

I.   Personal Relationship with the Father
          It is hard to live VICTORIOUS if you don't know the VICTOR!
          Are you a child of God?
II.  Unbroken Fellowship with the Father

The cause of a broken fellowship is sin, and the means of restoring broken fellowship is forgiveness.  But the means of living a victorious life in an unbroken fellowship with the Father is to walk in obedience.

A.  Conscious of Sin
B.  Confession of Sin
C.  Claim the Victory Over Sin

Today's Challenge:
Claim God's Victory in Jesus!

Sunday, August 30, 2015 a.m. Service

The Balanced Life of a Believer
2 Timothy 3:12-4:5
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Five Healthy Disciplines for the Born-again Believer:

I.    Be in the Word
            A.  Profits God's Child
            B.  Equips God's Child
            C.  Nourishes God's Child
II.   Be in Prayer
III.  Be in Fellowship
IV.  Be a Good Steward
V.   Be a Good Witness

Today's Challenge
Am I GROWING as a believer?
Am I living a well-BALANCED Christian Life?

Sunday, August 23, 2015 a.m. Service

Salvation:  From Start to Finish
John 3:1-21
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Why did the Father send His one and only Son?

I.    Through Jesus We are Saved from the Penalty of Sin!
II.   Through Jesus We are Being Saved from the Power of Sin!
III.  Through Jesus We will Be Saved from the Presence of Sin!

Today's Challenge
Now is the Day of Salvation (2 Corinthians 2:6)

Sunday, August 16, 2015 a.m. Service

The Church:  The Body of Christ
Colossians 1:9-12, 24-29
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Rediscovering God's Intentions for His Church!

I.    Exalt the Savior (1:9-12a,18)
II.   Equip the Saints (1:24-29)
III.  Evangelize the Sinner (1:28-29)

Today's Challenge
Are We...Am I...Exalting the Savior?
Are We...Am I...Equipping the Saints?
Are We...Am I...Evangelizing the Sinner?

Sunday, August 9, 2015 a.m. Service

The Church:  The Body of Christ
Colossians 1:9-23
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Rediscovering God's Intentions for His Church!

I.    Exalt the Savior (1:12-20)
          A.  He is Rescuer (13)
          B.  He is Redeemer (14)
          C.  He is Creator (15-16)
          D.  He is Peacemaker (19-20)
          E.  He is Sustainer (17)
          F.  He is Headmaster (18)
II.   Equip the Saints
III.  Evangelize the Sinner

Today's Challenge:
Is He Lord?
Over our Lives...
Over this Church...

Sunday, July 26, 2015 a.m. Service

I Thessalonians 5:14-24
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Looking at the society we live in today, it is apparent that the New Testament Church has drifted away from the doctrines of the faith.

I-    "We Have Rebelled Against Divine Truth"
          Key:  "...Emotional Experience..."
II-   "We Have Replaced Doctrinal Teachings"
          Key:  "...Abandoned Absolutes..."
III-  "We Have Rejected Dedicated Traditions"
          Key:  "...Influence Infatuations..."

Sunday, July 12, 2015 a.m. Service

II Samuel 12:1-14
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  God sees and knows out sins!  So, how do we respond when we're caught?  The results of sin's consequences may still be upon our lives, but how do we grow after being caught?  Today's message speaks to these questions.

I-    "The Realization of Our Sins"
          Key:  "...You are caught..."
II-   "The Repentance of Our Sins"
          Key:  "... Your confession..."
III-  "The Renewal from Our Sins"
          Key:  "...Your cleansing..."

Sunday, July 12, 2015 Early Service

Remembering the Classics
Zach Wishart

Sunday, July 5, 2015 a.m. Service

Romans 1
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  This is the weekend that we celebrate our independence as a nation.  It is also the lowest point of spiritual dedication to God in our nation's history.  Today's message of our sinful society!

Four Steps of Pathway to Paganism:

1-  "Scriptural Instructions":  vs. 1-23
2-  "Sinful Idolatry":  vs. 24-25
3-  "Sexual Impurity":  vs 26-27
4-  "Society's Insanity":  vs. 28-32

Sunday, June 21, 2015 a.m. Service

Mark 1:14-20
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  The Bible says, "the father is the head of the home"!  The sad reality today is the fathers have forsaken that responsibility and therefore we have broken hearts, broken hopes and broken homes.

I.    Conviction:  "Sinful & Dead"
          Key:  "...Lost, Not Saved..."
II.   Converted:  "Saved & Different"
          Key:  "...Saved, Not Lost..."
III.  Committed:  "Spiritual & Dedicated:
          Key:  "...Spirit, Not Flesh..."

Sunday, June 7, 2015 p.m. Service

Difficult Doctrines
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, June 7, 2015 a.m. Service

Luke 5:1-10
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Jesus called His Disciples to be fishers of men.  If we are faithful followers of Jesus, we will be fishers of men!  "Reaching and Teaching" is the message of the Great Commission.  Are we all doing our part?

I-    Your Catch Should Not Determine Your Commitment:
          Key:  "...It Is About Your Faithfulness To God..."
II-   Your Evaluation Should Not Determine Your Evangelism:
          Key:  "...It Is About Your Fruitfulness For God..."
III-  Your Success Should Not Determine Your Spirit:
          Key:  "...It Is About Your Fellowship With God..."

Sunday, June 7, 2015 Early Service

Zach Wishart

Sunday, May 31, 2015 p.m. Service

Difficult Doctrines
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, May 31, 2015 a.m. Service

Ezra 9:6
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Many people live an unhappy and unfruitful like because of personal guilt.  Guilt is one of the devil's favorite weapons to use to defeat us.  Today, we will let the Bible explaining how we can overcome guilt.

I-    The Cause of Guilt:
          Key:  "...Sin Causes Guilt..."
II-   The Consequence of Guilt
          Key:  "...Shame Comes From Guilt..."
III-  The Cure for Guilt
          Key:  "...Savior Cleanses Guilt..."

Sunday, May 24, 2015 a.m. Service

Isaiah 40:28-31
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  The eagle is the only bird in the Bible to which God compares His children!  There are some important spiritual lessons we can learn by studying the eagle.

I-   Significance of the Eagle:
          Key:  "...Clean and Committed..."
II-  Seasons of the Eagle:
          Key:  "...Courageous and Careful..."
III- Soaring of the Eagle
          Key:  "...Consecrated Character..."

Sunday, May 10, 2015 a.m. Service

Today is a special day for mothers and women as we celebrate!

Proverbs 31:10
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Testimonies given by:
Hope Cagle
Sandy Lusby
Gail Russell
Anne Padgett

Sunday, May 3, 2015 p.m. Service

Difficult Doctrines
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, May 3, 2015 a.m. Service

Psalm 23
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

I.   The Shepherd's Responsibilities:
          Key:  "...the Shepherd loves and leads the flock..."
II.  The Sheep's Requirements:
          Key:  "...the sheep live and learn to follow..."

Sunday, April 12, 2015 a.m. Service

John 20:19-29
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Do you have doubts?  Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead?  You must believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ to be saved!  (See Romans 10:9-10)

I-    The Cause of Doubt
          Key:  "...Your Behavior..."
II-   The Cost of Doubt
          Key:  "...Your Blessings..."
III-  The Cure of Doubt
          Key:  "...Your Belief..."

Sunday, April 5, 2015 a.m. Service

Matthew 28:1-7
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Jesus is Alive!  Easter is THAT CELEBRATION for the Christian!

I-    The Message of the Resurrection
II-   The Miracle of the Resurrection
III-  The Meaning of the Resurrection

Sunday, March 29, 2015 a.m. Service

Mark 11:1-9
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Palm Sunday is the day of the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into the city of Jerusalem.  The crowds hailed Him as King and Messiah.

I-   Jesus' First Coming:
        Key:  "...He came as Messiah and Savior..."
II-  Jesus' Second Coming:
        Key:  "...He comes as Master and Sovereign..."

Sunday, March 22, 2015 p.m. Service

Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, April 22, 2015 a.m. Service

Acts 2:41-47
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Today's culture has compromised the Bible truths about the Church of Jesus Christ.  Today, there is a great "Falling Away" from the Church.  What does God's Word Say?

I-   The Character of the Church: v. 42
          Key:  "...The Beliefs of the Church..."
                                  (The Doctrines)
II-  The Characteristics of the Church: vs. 43-47
          Key:  "...The Behavior of the Church..."
                                    (The Deeds)

Sunday, April 15, 2015 p.m. Service

Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, March 15, 2015 a.m. Service

Book of Jude
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Today's message is a warning call for all believers to "contend for the faith" (v. 3) in these last days.  It is a call, in our present time, to beware of false doctrines, teachers and cults.

I-   How Spiritual Apostasy is Defined:  vs. 1-4
       Key:  "...Explanation of Apostasy..."
II-  How Spiritual Apostasy is Described:  vs. 5-16
       Key:  "...Exposition of Apostasy..."
III- How Spiritual Apostasy is Defeated:  vs. 17-25
       Key:  "...Exhortation of Apostasy..."

Sunday, March 8, 2015 a.m. Service

Book of Jude
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Today's message is a warning call for all believers to "contend for the faith" (v. 3) in these last days.  It is a call, in our present time, to beware of false doctrines, teachers and cults.

I-  How Spiritual Apostasy is Defined:  vs. 1-4
       Key:  "...Explanation of Apostasy..."

Sunday, March 1, 2015 p.m. Service

Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, March 1, 2015 a.m. Service

Book of Nehemiah
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  We want to recognize the work of preachers, teachers and ministers.  It is their job to constantly build and rebuild!

I-    The Task:  (Problem)
          Key:  "Attitude" --- "Must get started right"
II-   The Team:  (Plan)
          Key:  "Action" --- "Build a team spirit"
III-  The Triumph:  (Product)
          Key:  "Accomplishment" --- "Complete the objective"

Sunday, February 15, 2015 a.m. Service

Revelation 2:4-5
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Today's message will examine our love for The Lord Jesus!  Does you way of life show others your love for The Lord Jesus?  What about your works (conduct), and your witness (commitment)?  Do they prove your love is real?  Remember, God knows the truth!

I-   The Lost Passion: v. 4
          Key:  " left your love..."
II-  The Loving Plea: v. 5
          Key:  "...remember your love..."

Sunday, February 8, 2015 p.m. Service

Heaven - My Hope
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, February 8, 2015 a.m. Service

Ephesians 5:25-27
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  The Church belongs to Jesus Christ (Matt 16:18, Acts 20:28). Jesus said the Church is His beloved bride!

I-    The Value of the Church:  v. 25
II-   The Vitality of the Church:  v. 26
III-  The Victory of the Church:  v. 27

Sunday, February 1, 2015 p.m. Service

Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, February 1, 2015 a.m. Service

John 1:1-15
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Today is a big day for football fans...  It's "Super Bowl Sunday!".  Two teams playing to see who is this year's greatest:  The Bible tells us who is the greatest.  Do you know?

I-    The Messenger: vs. 1-6
          Key:  "Position is Preferred to Performance"
II-   The Motive:  vs. 7-11
          Key:  "Belief is Basis for Behavior"
III-  The Method:  vs.  12-15
          Key:  "Service is Superior to Signs"

Sunday, January 25, 2015 a.m. Service

Philippians 3
John Gilliom

1.  Paul counted as loss everything that hindered him from knowing Christ.
          What hinders you from knowing Christ?
2.  Paul's great goal was to know Christ!
          What is your chief goal in life?
3.  Paul never quit straining toward the goal of knowing Christ better.
          Will you continue pressing on to know Christ?

Paul tells us to follow his example!

Sunday, January 18, 2015 p.m. Service

Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, January 18, 2015 a.m. Service

I Corinthians 1:26-31
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  God has a "Hall of Fame" for those whom have served Him faithfully and given Him all the glory! Today's message shows us the road we must travel to get in God's "Hall of Fame".

I.    Qualifications
          Key:  "...God's Plan..."
II.   Illustrations
          Key:  "...God's People..."
III.  Applications
          Key:  "...God's Purpose..."

Sunday, January 11, 2015 a.m. Service

I Corinthians 12:1-11
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

God saves us and gives us a gift by the Spirit at the time of salvation.  You, the saved child of God, have been given at least one spiritual gift to be used for God's glory!  Do you know what your spiritual gift is, and, are you using it?

I-    The Plan of God
          Key:  "...Discovering God's Gift..."
II-   The Preparation of God
          Key:  "...Developing Our Gift..."
III-  The Purpose of God
          Key:  "...Displaying Our Gift..."

Sunday, January 4, 2015 p.m. Service

Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, January 4, 2015 a.m. Service

Joshua 3:1-5
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Today is the first Sunday of the new year, "2015". We look forward to the future with great expectations. It is important to be faithfully prepared for God's wonders of tomorrow!

I-    The Word of God:  vs. 1-3
          Key:  "...the Word for the people..."
II-   The Way of God:  v. 4
          Key:  "...the Way for the people..."
III-  The Wonders of God:  v. 5
          Key:  "...the Wonders for the people..."