Sunday, December 20, 2015 a.m. Service

Luke 2:8-20
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The Angel's Song is the 4th Christmas Carol!

Why does the angel go to the shepherds?
Why do we sing songs?
What is the angel's message?

I.    The Angel's Consolation (2:10-11)
II.   The Angel's Confirmation (2:12, 15-18)
III.  The Angel's Consummation (2:13-14)
          A.  Message of Praise to God!
          B.  Message of Peace to Good-Willed Men!

There is no peace until you know peace!
Until you now the Prince of Peace, there will be no peace!
Luke 3:22

Today's Challenge:
Cradle the Christ-Child in your heart this Christmas!
My prayer is that God has put a song in your heart this Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Good post,..just wish everyone lived by it. There is one among your congregation who is a thief. "Margaret Dulling", has everything that belonged to my dad James Dulling, who left my sister and I abandoned, with our mother who struggled to feed us. Margaret made sure the will of "MY Dad" took good care of her! And, is set to take good care of her family. Scripture tells us there shall be nothing left secret,..that will not be shouted from the roof tops. She keeps everything that belonged to my biological father for herself...doesn't scripture teach the love of money is the root of all evil? She loves herself soo much, she couldn't even say merry Christmas to the grandchildren of James A. Dulling, who loved his grandchildren. Truly, the devil walks about seeking whom he may devour. Well, sometimes apparently the devil comes clothed as an innocent old lady.
