Sunday, January 16, 2016 a.m. Service

Claims of the Saved - "God's Work - Uniting His Witnesses"
I Peter 2:1-8
Rev. Joseph Marshall

How does God unite His Witnesses?

I.   The Taste Test:  Craving the Scriptures (1-3)
II.  The Treasure Test:  Cherishing the Stones (4-8)
       A.  The Value and Beauty of the Cornerstone (4, 6-8)
               What makes the Stone so valuable?
       B.  The Value and Beauty of the Church (5)

Today's Challenge:  Passing the Test!
Are you craving the Scriptures?
Are you cherishing the Stones?

Sunday, January 10, 2016 a.m. Service

Claims of the Saved – "The Uniqueness of the Word"
I Peter 1:22-25
Rev. Joseph Marshall

I.   Uniqueness in the Son (23)
                                           Have you ever been born again?
II.  Uniqueness in the Scriptures (24-25)
                    A.    It Endures Forever
                    B.     It is Inspired by God 
                    C.     It is Truth
                    D.    It is Flawless
                    E.     It has Life-Changing Power
                    F.     It is Relevant to Everyday Life
                    G.    It Does NOT Return Empty, but accomplishes the purposes of God

Today’s Challenge:
“Discovering the Uniqueness of God’s Word”

Sunday, January 3, 2016 a.m. Service

Luke 10; Luke 16
Rev. Joseph Marshall

As Christians...
What motivates our behavior?

What is our motivation for reaching the lost?
"Reaching people is one of the core marks of disciple-making!"

I.    The Call from Above
          The Great Commandment and the Great Commission
            Example of Peter:  John 21:15-25
II.   The Call from Below
            Example of Lazarus and the Rich Man:  Luke 16:19-31
III.  The Call from Without
           Example of Paul and the Macedonian Call:  Acts 16:6-40
IV.  The Call from Within
           The Holy Spirit transforms our hearts and minds into the likeness of Jesus, giving us an internal motivation to do the will of the Father!

Closing Application:
What is my "Spiritual Resolution" for 2016?
Will you commit to join TGBC to reaching the lost in 2016?