Sunday, September 27, 2015 a.m. Service

Matthew 28:16-20
Rev. Joseph Marshall

The Great Commission is a "Lordship Issue!"

The Characteristics of the On-Mission Christian:  GO!

I.    Go in Love
II.   Go to Liberate
III.  Go to Lead
          A.  Lead in Baptism
          B.  Lead in Teaching
IV.  Go Launch

Today's Challenge: Love, to Liberate, Lead and Launch

Sunday, September 20, 2015 a.m. Service

I Corinthians 11:23-24
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Remain Faithful to Our Baptist Distinctives...
Timeless Truths from God's Word!

I.    The Nature (Authority) of Scripture
II.   The Nature of Salvation
III.  The Nature of The Church
IV.  The Nature (Priesthood) of the Believer
V.   The Nature of the Ordinances - Baptism and the Lord's Supper

The Nature of the Lord's Supper

A.  The Purpose of the Lord's Supper
        1.  Proclaim His Cross
        2.  Proclaim Our Communion
             a.  With Christ
             b.  With His Church
        3.  Proclaim His Coming
B.  The Preparation of the Lord's Supper

Today's Challenge:
Am I prepared to participate in the Lord's Supper?

Sunday, September 13, 2015 a.m. Service

John 9-10
Rev. Joseph Marshall

One Factor that Confirms a Believer's Eternal Security...

"Bob the Blind Man from Birth"

I.  The Faith Factor
     A.  A Faith that Saves is a Faith that Follows
           1.  The Good Shepherd is the Gate
           2.  The Good Shepherd is the Governor
           3.  The Good Shepherd is the Guardian
     B.  A Faith that Saves is a Faith that FROGS!
               "Fully Relies On God's Sovereignty!"

Who is able?

Today's Challenge:
Who are you relying on to get you to Heaven?

Sunday, September 6, 2015 a.m. Service

I John 1:5-2:2, 2:12-17
Rev. Joseph Marshall

If we want assurance that...
Victory is on the Way - Everyday!
We must have a...

I.   Personal Relationship with the Father
          It is hard to live VICTORIOUS if you don't know the VICTOR!
          Are you a child of God?
II.  Unbroken Fellowship with the Father

The cause of a broken fellowship is sin, and the means of restoring broken fellowship is forgiveness.  But the means of living a victorious life in an unbroken fellowship with the Father is to walk in obedience.

A.  Conscious of Sin
B.  Confession of Sin
C.  Claim the Victory Over Sin

Today's Challenge:
Claim God's Victory in Jesus!

Sunday, August 30, 2015 a.m. Service

The Balanced Life of a Believer
2 Timothy 3:12-4:5
Rev. Joseph Marshall

Five Healthy Disciplines for the Born-again Believer:

I.    Be in the Word
            A.  Profits God's Child
            B.  Equips God's Child
            C.  Nourishes God's Child
II.   Be in Prayer
III.  Be in Fellowship
IV.  Be a Good Steward
V.   Be a Good Witness

Today's Challenge
Am I GROWING as a believer?
Am I living a well-BALANCED Christian Life?