Sunday, July 26, 2015 a.m. Service

I Thessalonians 5:14-24
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Looking at the society we live in today, it is apparent that the New Testament Church has drifted away from the doctrines of the faith.

I-    "We Have Rebelled Against Divine Truth"
          Key:  "...Emotional Experience..."
II-   "We Have Replaced Doctrinal Teachings"
          Key:  "...Abandoned Absolutes..."
III-  "We Have Rejected Dedicated Traditions"
          Key:  "...Influence Infatuations..."

Sunday, July 12, 2015 a.m. Service

II Samuel 12:1-14
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  God sees and knows out sins!  So, how do we respond when we're caught?  The results of sin's consequences may still be upon our lives, but how do we grow after being caught?  Today's message speaks to these questions.

I-    "The Realization of Our Sins"
          Key:  "...You are caught..."
II-   "The Repentance of Our Sins"
          Key:  "... Your confession..."
III-  "The Renewal from Our Sins"
          Key:  "...Your cleansing..."

Sunday, July 12, 2015 Early Service

Remembering the Classics
Zach Wishart

Sunday, July 5, 2015 a.m. Service

Romans 1
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  This is the weekend that we celebrate our independence as a nation.  It is also the lowest point of spiritual dedication to God in our nation's history.  Today's message of our sinful society!

Four Steps of Pathway to Paganism:

1-  "Scriptural Instructions":  vs. 1-23
2-  "Sinful Idolatry":  vs. 24-25
3-  "Sexual Impurity":  vs 26-27
4-  "Society's Insanity":  vs. 28-32