Sunday, February 8, 2015 p.m. Service

Heaven - My Hope
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, February 8, 2015 a.m. Service

Ephesians 5:25-27
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  The Church belongs to Jesus Christ (Matt 16:18, Acts 20:28). Jesus said the Church is His beloved bride!

I-    The Value of the Church:  v. 25
II-   The Vitality of the Church:  v. 26
III-  The Victory of the Church:  v. 27

Sunday, February 1, 2015 p.m. Service

Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Sunday, February 1, 2015 a.m. Service

John 1:1-15
Dr. Ted O. Padgett

Introduction:  Today is a big day for football fans...  It's "Super Bowl Sunday!".  Two teams playing to see who is this year's greatest:  The Bible tells us who is the greatest.  Do you know?

I-    The Messenger: vs. 1-6
          Key:  "Position is Preferred to Performance"
II-   The Motive:  vs. 7-11
          Key:  "Belief is Basis for Behavior"
III-  The Method:  vs.  12-15
          Key:  "Service is Superior to Signs"